Your Weekend / Perfect Fit Blue Jeans Pendant
Your Weekend
Perfect Fit Blue Jeans Pendant
Blue jeans, there is an art and science to achieving the perfect fit. The rise, the curve, the snug fit, the taper and flow, and of course the color. You know how many shops you’ve visited, how many pairs you’ve tried on, then gone back to try on again to see, to check, to compare. High rise, low rise, the belt, the shoes, the top, and when all the elements come together and hair is really behaving nicely, add a sunny summer day, and sunglasses, the world and the weekend are yours.
Your Weekend Perfect Fit Blue Jeans Pendant, kyanite is a dusty blue gem fashioned as a simple oval cabochon. The weekend and blue jeans are close to your heart. Wear this Monday – Friday and you’ll be reminded Saturday and Sunday are fast approaching. High sheen light blue faded jean glow shimmers at the top of each stone. It’s a perfect match for a well washed, well worn pair of blue jeans. Sterling silver. Length 18-inches. Secure lobster claw clasp.
Perfect Fit Blue Jeans Pendant CA214 CJ $145.00